Wednesday, August 23, 2006

August in Sweden - Photo Essay

Instead of Beirut, I arrived in Stockholm on August 7th ... I was pretty beat up from the whirlwind tour Dave Lippman and I had made up and down the left coast, but by August 12th I was participating in a series street rallies for Sweden's Vänsterpartiet (the Left Party). Their plan was to move into some public space, quick set up a display and PA, have a folksinger start singing to gather the crowd, and then have a speaker from the Left Party get folks excited about the elections (coming up on September 17th)... We'd do this at one location for an hour or so, then pack up and move to another.... at first some folks seemed skeptical

but eventually they'd warm up to it

In one location a bunch of kids came up to me for some quick guitar lessons...

Then on August 13th I was invited to perform at Joe Hill's house, which is now a museum maintained by the IWW in Gävle, Sweden ... Here I am, in front of the house, setting up in the garden...I was pleasantly surprised by the crowd and how very enthusiastically I was received! Thanks to Christer Forsberg for arranging it.

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